Ephesians 6:10-17

welcome to The Armor Project
Let me tell you who we are and what we do
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WhatsApp the word: Armor to 072 038 7432
I will contact you
Regards, Seamus Kitshoff

This is an educational toy set
Each set consists of a laminated card of a boy or girl (10cm / 21cm) with all the
elements indicated in Ephesians 6 of the Bible
The armor elements are magnets which is ideal to be used on the fridge or metal
doorframe of a child's room
The figures comes in white or black and you have the option of
Afrikaans or English
Sets sel for R50.00 excluding postage. Free postage in SA of quantities of 20 or more
The aim of the Armor Project
Even though this project mainly focuses on the child, the uniqueness in its design causes the whole family to participate. It teaches parents and children how to practice a lifestyle in resisting the attacks of the enemy. And it is done in a very practical way by implementing the promises in Ephesians 6: 10-17
The Armor Project Set comprises of the following:
a tutorial letter with all the necessary explanation of each piece of the Armor of God
a laminated card with a boy or girl, which includes a summary of what each armor piece portrays. This card is placed on a fridge or other metal surface where the child can interact with it
the armor pieces in magnet form, which is used to clothe the boy or girl as a soldier for God
See video at end of website

The Problem
Our Spiritual Battle
Paul writes in Ephesians 6 that the daily battle we are fighting against negative thoughts and influences, corruption, lawlessness, injustice, hatred, fear and more, is not against people, political parties or world dictators of flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm (Eph. 6:12). These evil forces and their commander, Satan, hate God and is committed to steal, kill and lie to all people who are made in the image of God (John 10:10a).
The battle that children and their parents need to stand against these days is becoming fiercer as we are moving into times of lawlessness. The Enemy knows his time is short (Rev. 12:12) He uses movies and computer games drenched in witchcraft, pornographic websites, cyberbullying, all kinds of abuse, peer pressure, excessive performance orientation, drugs and alcohol, as well as exposure to false religions and humanistic teachings, to catch children in his snare.
The Solution
Our Weapons for this battle
God, the angels and the Devil and his demons are all spiritual beings and are much more aware of this battle in the unseen spiritual realm than us who dwell in the physical world. We experience the unseen battle in the form of gossip, hate, theft, murder, addictions, abortions and many other forms of ungodliness. This battle is mainly for the souls of people.
It is clear that we cannot fight a spiritual battle with physical weapons such as senseless words, vengeful deeds or with guns. God gave us spiritual weapons to stand, fight and overcome the enemy, and also to protect our children as well as ourselves.

The Outcome
Freedom in Jesus Christ
We become the overcomer God wants us to be in and through Jesus Christ. This armor described is one of many gifts God gave us and should be used together with fasting & prayer, studying of His Word and using Communion
The Result
Click on video at bottom of website for introduction on how to use The Armor Set. The figurines are available in different races and languages.
We know that that the whole Word is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16). Though this refer to the Old Testament (as the New Testament was not written yet), we know that the words, actions and prophesies of Jesus and the Apostles written in the New Testament, were also inspired by The Holy Spirit and dictated and given to us for the same reason. The whole Word contains the Good News of redemption from sin and re-uniting with God through Jesus Christ

Contact The Armor Project
Parents, Pastors and Sunday school teachers, please get in touch with Seamus Kitshoff to learn more about our work and how you can get involved. To our foreign Christians, get hold of me by email to discuss options.
27 Lake View, Hay Meadow Crescent, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043, South Africa
Mobile: +27 72 038 7432